Kia ora!
So 1 of 2 major remaining hurdles to leaving has been cleared - my working holiday visa was approved today! (#2 being finding someone to live in my room...) This means I can actually land in NZ without being turned away/forced into a state of limbo like that movie starring Tom Hanks as an immigrant whose papers get mixed up, so he has to sleep and eat in the airport terminal with not a companion in the world but his volleyball Wilson.
Anyway, I digress.
I've got something resembling a plan for my travels through NZ, and since I'm a nerd, I made a Google Map of it. At some point next week, I'll contact a farm in the Christchurch/Canterbury area and let them know I'm ready to start around March 5th. I'm thinking I'll start with a sheep/cattle farm. Though I have to look into how long the wine season lasts, if it goes into early March, I should totally do that first since I can only do that for a limited time, and also because wine is delicious.
Well, I've procrastinated from the beginning of the packing process long enough. More will follow in the next two weeks, probably containing much interesting knowledge of questionable practical value. Laters!
And I Didn’t Get Sick Once…
15 years ago
Are you going to visit this road while you're there? I think it's the seat of the capitol:
I forget if we talked about this, but that reminds me of this article. Oh, British Commonwealth culture... ;)